Comments from Swagspray

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-01 00:14:08 Holiday Awakening: My cousin Shayla thanks guys. part 2 will be here as soon as possible
2011-05-05 19:31:25 It's good so far but I'd check your spelling
2012-05-12 21:58:41 Holiday Awakening: My cousin Shayla To the person below. I respect and agree with your comment completely. I had some serious issues arise over the last year, causing me to neglect a lot of aspects of my life. But everything is ok now. I had started writing the sequel as well as nearly finishing the beginning of two new series but unfortunately I lost them in amongst everything else going on in my life. I return to writing tomorrow. Expect a new series starting in the next week and the sequel to Holiday awakening in the following week.

Thank you for your patience. I am sorry
2012-05-23 20:07:03 My best friend Evan The next one will be a few weeks unfortunately. I'm working on rewriting another story that I'd nearly finished but lost and I'm also starting another new series while carrying on a third. I'm a bit all over the place!!
2012-05-23 20:07:25 My best friend Evan also thank you everyone for the feedback!