Comments from batnut515

Date Story title Comment
2011-05-24 14:59:05 Bracelet Of Love Please rate and/or comment. I would love to know what everyone thinks.
2011-05-24 15:00:23 Tim, the Teenage_(0) Please comment and/or rate. I truely would love to know what everyone thinks.
2011-05-25 15:59:21 Tim, the Teenage_(0) That's what I think makes the story, is that it is told from the kids point of view like a journal. Events like them going to camp and things of that nature happen a bit later in the story, so please stay tuned.
2011-05-25 16:35:01 Tim, the Teenage_(1) Please comment and/or rate. I do love getting feedback.
2011-05-25 17:45:46 Tim, the Teenage Part III Please comment and/or rate. I truely would love to know what everyone thinks.