Comments from ThePillar

Date Story title Comment
2014-10-28 00:37:09 The Love of a Cousin part 2 Sunshine
Who the heck is Jack? There is no Jack in this story. Only a Kevin (main male character) and a Ray (best friend of main male character).
2014-10-14 05:55:28 The Love of a Cousin part 2 Sunshine,

Thank you for your many suggestions and positive feedback and support. You have some really good ideas there that I never would have thought of. As far as part three goes, I hope to begin writing it tomorrow, but it'll probably be several weeks at least before it's finished. As far as your suggestions for part 3, I have many things in mind, some of which do include some things you've already suggested, but much of the story will go in a different direction than most of your suggestions. Part 3 will be very hard and emotional, yet it will have (in my opinion) and flawless happy ending. It will be a very happy and natural conclusion to a very emotional and difficult love story. Again, parts of the story will go in a direction that you probably won't like, but I think you will be more than satisfied with the conclusion and I hope you let me know what you think once you have read it.
2014-10-10 05:13:42 The Love of a Cousin part 2 @Joe Long:

Thank you. My goal is to write and publish emotionally driven stories, not sexually driven stories. Having made you cry means I have written successfully in my book.

For your feedback, thank you again. The "she and I" vs "her and I" is a recurring issue I need to fix for sure. And for spacing, that helps a lot. I can never remember how many times I need to hit "Enter" in order to get the one line gap between paragraphs for this site. I will use your comment for future reference.
2014-10-11 22:02:06 The Love of a Cousin part 2 "You, like so many "wannabe" writers have not yet learned to avoid the terrible "White Wall of Text". I gave up reading after a brief try.
My old eyes cannot tolerate your total lack of vertical spacing.
I gave this a negative vote. I could not read it due to your poor formatting."

I have no desire to be an actual writer. I had envisioned a good story and wanted to share it. Before you rudely blast "wannabe writers" and negatively rate their work you might want to actually read the shit. I could send you the word document in which I wrote this story before copy and pasting it onto here, but that would only make you look more the fool. You know nothing. My text was beautifully spaced and well gapped. I'm still learning the transitions from the original document to this website, which by the way, the website removed all of my spacing. Maybe pussy wannabe critics and readers like you should learn to suck it up, get over yourself, and read it anyway. Fucker.
2014-10-11 22:09:39 The Love Of A Cousin Part 1 "PLEASE learn to use some VERTICAL spacing. A single paragraph that is an entire page long is TOO hard on the reader's eyes.
Give our eyes a break by more frequent use of the SPACE BAR!!!!!"

As I informed another commenter on my second part (whom I suspect was probably you as well), this script was better spaced before copy and pasting it from a word document onto this website. Also, space bar's are completely useless in vertical spacing. I think you meant *clears throat* "more frequent use of the ENTER KEY!!!!!".

Wannabe critics...