2012-08-31 15:38:56 |
Swinging in the Neighborhood Chapter 31 A Star Guides our Souls
Sgt. J your story had me rubbing my pussy, then crying my eyes out through out the 31 chapters. I normally do not get wrapped up in an story however I found once I started to read yours I just had to read it all. Your story is so full of emotions it is hard not to get caught up in it. I cried for almost an hour when I read about you losing Carrie. I told myself I would not let it happen again. However I cried again through out your story. This has to have been the best romantic, ghost, war stories, sex novel I have ever read. If you could find it in your heart please contact me through the forum as I would love to welcome you home personally. It's a little late but I feel it is my duty. |