Comments from Gin_stalker

Date Story title Comment
2011-12-16 01:58:27 The making of a Master You took soo long to get to the sex! I kept thinking it was gonna happen but then you would move onto something else. I like your writing style though, and your grammar is pretty good I guess. But your young hero doesn't really seem that young. He talks a lot older.
2011-12-16 01:58:53 The making of a Master You took soo long to get to the sex! I kept thinking it was gonna happen but then you would move onto something else. I like your writing style though, and your grammar is pretty good I guess. But your young hero doesn't really seem that young. He talks a lot older.
2011-12-16 02:04:53 The making of a Master I wonder why this site has so many triple comments. Once I saw a comment post like ten times. Anyway, my "hero" acts and talks the way he does because he looks up to his father. He hates being seen as a child, so he tries hard to seem grown at all times.

And to the other commenter, he learned about sex from porn mostly, and his father tells him a lot too.