Comments from DustySpring

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-10 03:22:09 Sister's Fate - Emily's Ordeal I gave you a good mark. you deserved it. But let me make one point. Teenaged girls can't do crap with a horse dick. But they CAN suck and fuck the shit out of dogs and goats.
2011-08-11 02:53:42 Cheer Squad Abducted_(0) You've got a hell of a story going - why not continue it?
2011-08-12 06:19:45 A new life begins (Edited and Revised) good job. if you continue it, bring in another dog and a woman.
2011-08-12 08:59:49 Writers Block 2 Good work on both "Writers block". Particularly wanted to thank you for saving her in the end. There's too many "snuff" stories out there already. Glad yours wasn't.
2011-09-13 21:05:48 Breaking Sarah's Will with my Friends Help, Part I - ReCut I hope you got enough responses (good ones) to pick up where you left off. Any story with a beginning like that can go as far as you want it to.