Comments from blueeyedgirl

Date Story title Comment
2011-08-22 00:44:01 Don't Tell My Brother I apologize for the paragraphs meshed together--still trying to get the hang of this site!
2012-09-12 00:17:39 Mom's New Boyfriend (Part 2) I do apologize for the lack of rape tag--honestly, as I ran through the tags, I missed it and then published the story. I don't suppose there is any way to go back and add it, right? As for the subject being a little out-there...I didn't intend it to end up in this direction, but something caused me to continue writing it that way. Again, I apologize for the miss-tag!
2012-09-29 13:02:26 Sophie's frustration What a hot story! Loved the idea!
2012-10-25 11:45:16 The Stranger_(8) Love it! Can't wait for more!