Comments from DWsmooth94

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-05 21:38:44 My Sister In Law Beth_(1) Good story reminds me of the fun I had with my sister in law.
2011-10-19 19:31:15 My Sister In Law Beth, Chapters 5 - 8 Enjoying your work I can't wate for the next chapters!!
2011-10-22 04:35:29 My Sister In Law Beth, Chapters 9 - 13 Great story I can't wate to read more and I Hope Beth comes to her right mind and comes back to you!!
2011-11-01 23:04:33 My Sister In Law Beth. Chapter 14 - 15 Enjoying this story very much can't wait for the next chapters!!!
2011-11-04 02:50:31 My Sister In Law Beth. Chapter 16-18 This is a great story keep up the good work!!