Comments from Horseman919

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-07 13:05:01 Feeling My Daughter: Part Two @Drella:

First, I'm posting this not as Anonymous, but as a fellow author of stories posted here. Second, having a 95+% approval rate says more about your work than any negative the 4. whatever % feel. Third, some people read these stories - to jerk off - then blame you for their need! I'm afraid it is just human failing. It seems some people would rather tell someone else they are wrong or bad, rather that look in the mirror and see themselves.

If you were getting 50% ratings you might have reason to question yourself. But, your work is liked and enjoyed by the vast majority, so as others have said ignore critics. My back ground is Theatre and we have a way of describing "critics" .... Critics are people who hate those that "can", because they "can't". Constructive criticism is a whole different thing!

We all learn by experience! Realize you are a good story teller, so just keep telling your stories!
2011-10-07 13:42:26 Feeling My Daughter: Part Two @Drella:

First, I'm posting this not as Anonymous, but as a fellow author of stories posted here. Second, having a 95+% approval rate says more about your work than any negative the 4. whatever % feel. Third, some people read these stories - to jerk off - then blame you for their need! I'm afraid it is just human failing. It seems some people would rather tell someone else they are wrong or bad, rather that look in the mirror and see themselves.

If you were getting 50% ratings you might have reason to question yourself. But, your work is liked and enjoyed by the vast majority, so as others have said ignore critics. My back ground is Theatre and we have a way of describing "critics" .... Critics are people who hate those that "can", because they "can't". Constructive criticism is a whole different thing!

We all learn by experience! Realize you are a good story teller, so just keep telling your stories!
2012-01-19 00:15:51 Linda Part III -- Boy's Night Nice work! Keep the story going!