Comments from SexUwell Poet

Date Story title Comment
2011-10-21 17:26:44 A Teacher's Release Thank you! It is awesome! This is the third story
I've ever read here and it was great. I know any that I read that follow will have a high mark to reach.
2011-10-25 20:08:00 For the record I read the author's notes, found a few things, and joined your club. If possible I would make one request please inform me if not all of us when your published because this is one series I need to (not want) finish.
2011-11-29 04:31:59 Cybergasm. Good concept. Well told.
2012-08-05 09:52:23 When I Think of You Damn! After that I need a nap, a cigar, & a walker.Thank you that was awesome.
2012-08-22 08:11:07 Bait and Switch Ch. 21 (Final) Awesome! Thank you. Weather u write again or not med to geek, "live long and prosper."