Comments from icewhite

Date Story title Comment
2012-10-09 12:22:01 THE MOON STONE, Part 2 Keep it going for deffinate. I really like this series and look forward to reading more :-D
2012-10-09 12:23:39 THE MOON STONE, Part 2 I really like this series and we havn't even missed the sex.
Keep it up buddy
Lookforward to reading more
2012-10-09 13:08:23 LOVE TRAIN Wow, Very well done. Looking firward to reading more
2013-04-22 19:32:24 Shadow and Light Book 1 I Can't imagine how long it took to write all that.
The only Chritisism i had is that i switched reading it from my laptop to my phone over a couple of days and it was always a pain trying to find where i left off. It might be worth spliting it into 4 parts maybe.
Amyways, i'm really looking forward to the next part. I really hope you deside to continue with it. I actually think its an amazing storyline with so much potential.
2013-07-31 09:57:37 Ticonderoga – Episode 3: Awakenings This is great story and I hope this isnt the last of it. It would be great to see "Mighty Mouse" battleing an army of some sort.
Hope to read more soon.
Great work!