Comments from dylan7

Date Story title Comment
2012-03-06 00:10:36 Best Clean Up Ever hey guys, its me, im starting next part, so keep in touch and remember we the best
2012-03-15 22:18:10 Best Clean Up Ever! Pt 2 hey 12-03-09, whaaaa? its me dylan7 what did u say?
2012-03-15 22:27:11 Hitting The Showers Part 1 kid here, youll find a description of me in my page, but remember to txt me 408489330
2012-03-15 22:32:12 Hitting The Showers Part 1 kid here, youll find a description of me in my page, but remember to txt me 408489330
2012-04-02 00:51:24 Uncontrollable amazing to say the least, keep writing and remember we the best