Comments from billdj

Date Story title Comment
2008-10-18 18:10:39 Life With Anna I do not know who was sicker. The heartless mother or the sub human pervert. All I can say is I hope this actually was fiction. This excuse for an author should find a different line of work. There is no style here. It's I did this and I did that and there are no interesting plot lines or discriptions here. Sorry but it wasn't worth my time.
2010-09-07 12:30:10 First of all, you are to be commended for attempting a story in the first person which is much more difficult than third person stories. Novels about the ancient world require a great dealof research Many of the names you use don't really fit. This story is closer to mere fantasy in some ways. My suggestion is that you read well written novels about any time period you choose to write about. Your story lacks the detail such as specific clothing and armour descriptions, cultural rules, actual currency used like sesterces or tetradrams etc. Do your homework and your writing will be much better. Good luck