Comments from Maxus

Date Story title Comment
2012-05-06 15:14:12 Three Friends Working on a next story now from what Ali has told me and from our own follow on.
2012-05-12 12:12:56 Pilot This is a true story. I did mention that my wife was sexually adventurous. I am not very good at writing this type of text as I am more use to academic writing. I will try to improve. As far as a continuation she has not had another encounter with Pilot but has certainly seen Stefanie since then - several times and there would be an interesting story of two there I'm sure.
2012-05-14 14:53:01 The Vicar's Wife I'll watch the spell checker a little closer in the future, sorry. Why will they not allow editing after the story is published?
2012-05-14 19:48:08 Pilot I think I'll stop putting any labels on these stories and let people make up their own minds what categories they should be in. It'll be listed as fiction from now on and you make up your own mind. Fair enough.
2012-05-15 04:31:23 The Vicar's Wife Returns Thanks for pointing out my mis-use of the word I will try harder in the future to edit my work more closely.