Comments from Tim I Done

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-07 01:48:10 When Did That Happen Parts 2 This is the last story my Grandpa Em wrote before he died.
One day soon I will write the rest of this story as I know it.
Grandpa Em nicknamed me Timid One.
I now pretend to be a man and go by the name Tim I Done.
2012-08-23 02:01:06 Coming of age_(4) Caused me to remember my brothers. My older brother taught me everything about sex and when he left for college I turned to my younger brother and taught him everything I knew. In both cases we like you started slow. That is good though because if we had gone fast one of us might have got turned off. I am now 50 years old and occasionally get together with one of them.
2015-12-09 08:43:22 Obsession_(0) My two sons are not that big and I'm not that good at blow jobs but I hope one of them stops by tonight to pleasure me.
Loved your story.
2015-12-19 06:06:18 Married to my sister Let me tell you, I am a product of incest. My grandparents were mother and son and neither my father, my brother, nor I have any deformities. I am the mother of one of my son's daughters and she is perfect in every way and just gave birth to a normal daughter by her father. However, I would hate to do her family tree.
2015-12-20 07:56:12 It Never Happened--Parts I, II, & III This is my dead grandpa's story and although he lists it as fiction, I believe it to be true. He had some real hangups about his mother. After grandmother died a few years ago, he and I got real close and he told me things about his mother that gave me chills. She was a real bitch which was probably caused by her being abused by both her brother and her father.