Comments from jimmythekid

Date Story title Comment
2012-05-24 08:47:02 Rachel - The Babysitter Hey, just wanted to say I really loved this story. The voice is very down to earth, there is a definate linear progression, and some amount of care and time was put into it, it's not just crazed sex mania. Really good stuff.
2012-06-11 22:28:39 Comforting after a break up Hey, thanks for all the positive feedback from everybody except the commenter below me. To the guy below me: I'm sorry my lack of specification over the season this story took place in upset you so. See, while I legitamately don't remember whether it was Summer or Autumn, I do know that it was around the time they overlap, seeing as Autumn directly follows Summer.
I reckon that perhaps it was a bit premature to have stopped reading over that, and I hope not many follow your example. Also, considering this was a first attempt at a story on a site where ametuer writers post stories purely for the entertainment of the community without any kind of financial insentive, you may be being a little pedantic.
2012-09-25 18:54:44 A Dish Best Served Cold or Bryan's Revenge Man, you are easily one of the best writers on this web-site, Loved the story. It's almost a travesty you don't get paid to do this, that was immaculately crafted, really hot, and it was an actually real, well-rounded and likeable character. Really fantastic, very looking forward to your next one.
2012-12-15 18:44:18 OLIVIA Absolutely fantastic, thanks for sharing