Comments from Salty Dawg

Date Story title Comment
2012-05-30 15:29:17 Fucking Teagan - part 3 I have enjoyed all three parts. I can hardly wait for more parts of this story. Please continue
2012-06-08 13:02:01 The Girls Next Door – 10 Bills Birthday Pt 2 I have enjoyed every part of this series. You tell a great story. You have enough topics to write at least ten more parts ( the wedding, the honeymoon, Amanda's baby, CJ's and Alissa's babies, Anna' graduation
2012-06-11 09:37:55 This is an excellent story. It is very well written. Please tell us more.
2012-06-14 13:39:26 Denny?s Breakfast Treat ? 6 This is a great continuation to this story series. Please keep this series going. Tell us about their vacation, their progression of their pregnancy in pictures, the birth of the babies( how many will each wife have), and how soon the wives will be pregnant again.
2012-06-18 08:54:31 The Girls Next Door – 10 Bills Birthday Pt 3 This is a continuation of a very good story series. That was a unique twist to the story plot concerning CJ and Anna's parents. At least now Anna is "officially" part of the family. What was in the envelope that Anna's dad gave Bill. It will be interesting to read how soon Alissa and CJ become pregnant after graduation. Please continue this excellent story series.