Comments from RickO'Shay

Date Story title Comment
2012-09-06 18:13:38 Apologetic Sex I like your style and read your story because of it. Please paragraphs need breathing room.
2013-01-16 17:35:38 My Friends and My Wife I didn't even bother. PARAGRAPHS!!!!!
2013-01-16 18:06:44 I Watched My Wife With An Older Man 3 My wife of 10 years has been fucking her son by a previous marriage since the kid was a 15. Her last husband was black and so is this kid. He has more cock than me and can screw for a half hour solid so I just let her enjoy it. As for me, I usually just watch the Disney Channel and daydream about a date with snow white.
2013-09-21 00:23:29 Falling in love with Uncle josh Nice story but very hard to read due to the lack of PARAGRAPHS!!
2013-11-11 16:55:17 Geena and Me you use finely when you mean finally