Comments from MAhole89

Date Story title Comment
2012-08-01 07:16:09 From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 1? Note: Wherever it says "bridesmaids", it should say "maid of honor." My fault for forgetting to edit that before posting this story. I hope everyone enjoys this story as I look forward to improving my stories in the future.
2012-08-05 22:26:34 From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 1? Part 2 will be up soon after I am back from vacation.
2012-10-21 23:46:54 From Friend, to Stepsister, to Lover? Part 2 Notice to everyone:

To everyone who gave constructive criticism, thank you. It will definitely help in the future.

To all the trolls, keep trolling. You're still reading my stories, meaning that you still accomplish what I intended.

Also, Part 3 is in progress. I have been busy with school, and that definitely takes priority over this. It does NOT mean that I will just stop writing it. I just do not have as much time as I thought I had, and I am trying to get it done. I will try my best to hopefully get it up at the latest mid-to-late November, preferably Thanksgiving.

Thanks to all that read the story, and I ask that all reader please remain patient.

That is all,
