Comments from mathew elizabeth

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-26 03:12:33 Teenage Boy Denied his Fart Fetish 2 Thanks jackvegas21. I already had some of those idea's in mind. ;)
2014-12-23 02:10:51 Mommy's Love Denied 3 Sorry for the delays. Part 4 is on-going but slow. It will be out in the new year.
2015-08-19 03:35:18 Mommy's Love Denied 9_(2) This was merely a set up chapter everyone. The next chapter will be rather long and filled with backstory and lots of character development and strange dark fetishes. Chapters 9 through 11 consist of the birthday arc (9.Ryans birthday 10.The mothers birthday 11. Scott's birthday); so they cover a long span of time over the year. Sorry for the long delays.
2014-08-25 04:28:25 Teenage Boy Denied his Fart Fetish 2 Thanks for your kind comments. There will be a 3rd part to the story but it will take a while sorry. Keep your eyes peeled for it in the coming month or so. I'll definitely take your idea's into consideration. But no promises, I'm kind of busy lately :) Thanks again :)
2014-10-01 03:39:21 Soccer Mom and a Bully, full. The greatest Mother-NTR-Cuckold story I have ever read. Much better than my story 'Netorare Mama - My Parents Betrayal 1-3'. While I relied on flashbacks to keep the reader and myself interested. The fluent linier pacing of your story through the limited perspective of the main character and the description of his emotions of helpless arousal was the greatest payoff I've ever read in erotica.

Half the people that read these stories miss the point entirely. In these type of stories the main character is 'suppose' to lose. Or at the very least have a bitter-sweet ending where he accepts he has no control. For masochist readers like me, this is heaven.