Comments from Txlilygrl

Date Story title Comment
2014-06-08 05:25:52 Jamaican Vacation Enjoyed your story. I will be taking my daughter to a nude beach this summer. Our first time. Your story has me wondering.
2012-12-30 20:34:39 Cousin Jim and Me Cousing Jim was and is not gay or a jerk. He was just a shy scared boy who had not yet learned how much girls really want sex. He was still a virgin, as was I, but I had dated more and had learned a lot from my grandpa. His family was strict and his dad would have disowned him if they had found out he had sex with me, his younger cousin. My dad would have shot him. He married after college and I married while in college. We are both single now and are still friends and I still have a crush on him.
2014-08-05 04:08:48 My Girlfriends Daughter_(2) Very nice story. A sexually curious young girl learning from a gentle loving man. It's the right way to learn. Please write another.
2015-04-01 03:50:13 Grandpa's Milk- Chapter 4 These stories remind me of the great grandpa I had.
2015-05-09 17:12:37 My first Time_(3) True stories like this are my favorite. They don't get a high (95%+) rating because there is not a lot of descriptive sex. Great story. I also agree with Geriatrix.