Comments from canadianalien

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-02 02:33:13 I Met Cassie At The Sex Camp I certainly understand how you could get that impression, but I assure you my intent wasn't to portray all nerds as losers who never have sex (or to imply that not having sex marked someone as a loser). My DnD group is full of poly, sex positive people who are very extroverted and are having lots and lots of sex.

This story represents a sort of wish fulfilment (albiet wish fulfilment heavy on irony) for shy, awkward nerds like me, who generally understand math far better than people (no joke, I didn't understand what flirting was until I came up with a model of it using Bayesian statistics).

I also wanted to highlight the inevitable awkwardness of this sort of wish fulfillment. I mean, there have been several times where I've fantasized about this sort of thing, but it was only when I set out to write it that I realized just how much of a train wreck it would be. I think the primary lack of realism in this story comes from how well the sex actually goes.
2015-06-02 02:36:42 Abduction on my way home I would like to write more, but the real question is if I'll be happy with what I write. This story took me two false starts to get into this form, and I'm not sure how far I'll be able to push my luck.

So ideally, this will continue. But it may take me quite a while to work out how that will be.

Thank you all for your kind comments. It means a lot to me to have people appreciate what I write!
2015-06-02 02:39:35 St. Anne's Sexy Boarding School I have some thoughts for a sequel (or even a series), but for now I'm seeing how they germinate. Hopefully I can come up with some exciting and interesting scenarios.

Thank you for your comments, I love hearing about it when people enjoy my work.

Also, the person who wrote tl;dr gave me the idea for writing sexy drabbles (stories of exactly 100 words), so I may post a package of them (perhaps involving Val and Michael) at some point in the future.