Comments from Chevy Van

Date Story title Comment
2013-07-08 00:32:30 The Bed and Best Friend Prt. III Very well written story with a deep building story line. With appreciation for proper grammar and punctuation.
Professional writing style is so rare on this site anymore.
Thank you.
2013-07-22 23:39:08 a night away_(0) Excellent Story! Nicely formatted with direction. I enjoyed your building true to life eroticism. I have enjoyed a very similar massage with my former room mate. It was nearly a nightly ritual. I would come into her room with the intent of a platonic massage. Some nights were more remarkable then others. Your writing of this encounter can entice the imagination in us all. This edition needs its sequel, as I have enjoyed "Another Night Away". Including reading the introduction to Kay's view, these two stories seem to be a hybrid of your real life. I welcome the read as you put these experiences to the minds of those that seek are own outlet. Maybe someday I will write out some of my own fun encounters.
In connection to your following here in the U S A, we do have a snicker at the term "Knicker". lol
2013-07-22 23:56:20 a different night away part 1 I am having a reprieve. I began to believe the best stories were archived a few years ago. As a reader on here for nearly 11 years, (btw, which may be more time than most poster seem to be of age) there have been many disappointing stories I have opened only to regret the effort. You are refreshing to read. See my post to your first Night Away to know my appreciation. Now I must read what Kay had to say. I was glad you included her stating she had a wonder and hunger for you. It made this seem more true and factual. Thank You
2013-07-23 00:27:30 a different night away part 2 Kays story Interesting to see Kay's perspective. I will state that the reserve and restraint in your vulgarity is disconcerting. I like to hear the words Pussy and twat, add in dick, hardon, cunt lips etc. The term arse for what we know as ass makes me cringe to read. I thought a snog was a fuck, now at 52 years, I learn its only a kiss! Make it even more appealing by keeping the Queen in the closet so to speak. Slang on a sex sight is expected. I do really like the story lines.