Comments from ArtemisDawnXXX

Date Story title Comment
2013-05-04 11:44:33 Alone in the Woods_(2) I'm not glorifying rape. It was shown as painful, humiliating and confusing. Her mood swings being shays confusing her, its her body's reaction to the rape what confuses her, her body's betrayal. Your body can react a different way than your mind wants it to. Which is why I say she doesn't want to, shes forced or its her body unconsciously responding. I wouldn't want to glorify it, if I did Id tell.people to go out and do it and I'm not I even say not to.
2013-06-11 21:48:41 Daddy_(4) Yea, I know it isn't to show a person screaming. He had an emotional breakdown, it is written as journal entries, it was a way to show his instability. -_-
2016-01-17 08:40:46 Tales of Kairndal Part 1: Act 1_(3) Good job baby. <3
2016-01-17 08:41:59 Tales of Kairndal Part 1: Act 2 Good job my baby. This is my husband's story. :)
2016-01-17 08:43:18 Damien Skylar chapter 1_(0) Good job in stealing my story asshole