Comments from Aphroditus

Date Story title Comment
2013-04-03 12:58:46 Rich Bitch_(0) I will in the future. This was the first story I've ever written, it's quite old now. I wrote it for a site where below 18 wasn't allowed. But there's more to come in the future, longer stories also...I'm working on it!
2013-04-03 17:24:05 Teenage girl in men's locker room_(1) I think you should remove this story. It's not even erotic, And most of all, what if the girl finds out you have posted it on the internet? Dear sir, nudity does not always have to do with sex. Linking this existing young girl with sex is really rude of you and therefore I think you are a real asshole.
2013-04-04 10:38:03 Teenage girl in men's locker room_(1) Peterpold,

after reading your reply I now understand I've been looking at you the wrong way. I'm sorry, and I take my words back.

and yes, I know my first story was bad. I am planning to take it down for major rewriting.
2013-04-06 12:27:39 Planet Earth Revisited, chapter 1 Author's note: damn, I thought one click on 'enter' would be enough to make a new alinea. Will be corrected in chapter two. Enjoy!
2013-04-09 03:07:14 Planet Earth Revisited, chapter 2 About that monkey....believe it or not, I was asked to include it!