Comments from KnightPezz

Date Story title Comment
2015-03-31 23:56:58 How my friend Sabrina started doing a bottle and ended up with my piss all over her Is it ever a hassle to clean the piss up?
2015-04-01 00:35:02 Taking Sleeping Beauty from the wolf I dont know about anyone else but a few of the reasons why I liked this so much was it was fun to imagine everything happening, also almost everyone has at least heard of some of the tales you used. And so putting a pornographic spin on them just makes it, I guess more relatable to previous stories and tales et cetera.
Anyway, extra horses for you, today is my horse day. First 15 stories I read had horses/ponies in it so now whenever i read a story i comment with a horse. ;P
2015-04-01 01:06:21 Teaching a young virgin about sex and using her as a fuck toy with her aunt Wow... I can understand why you haven't reaponded to this much.
50% of the comments consist of generic 3-5 word compliments.
However to those who did compliment, thank you im sure she appreciates all the work you put in to coming up with such original content. All 5 seconds.
For those who wonder why the titles are so long is because its her story and she wants to, tough if you dont like it.
And one more thing, have a horse.
2015-04-01 02:06:46 The Battered Lamp Chapter Twenty-Nine: Harem of the Warrior I have to ask, where did you go to get a copyright claim on your porn story?
And how long is it for? Since you got it a year ago.
2015-04-01 02:36:33 The Battered Lamp Chapter Twenty-Nine: Harem of the Warrior Nevertheless good story, however even with someone editing they missed some spots.