Comments from Skibum92

Date Story title Comment
2014-07-06 22:03:59 Of Monsters & Men: Mermaid chronicles II Great addition man, keep up the good work!
2014-07-06 21:36:28 Of Monsters & Men: Mermaid chronicles Amazing job on your first chapter man, I really enjoyed it and I agree with anon who posted on 2014-06-25 at 1:59:55, you got some wicked talent so please keep up the good work!!!
2014-08-09 02:01:12 Winter At Beech Mountain Chapters 1-3 The reason you have such a low rating is because you only have 13 votes. Its much easier for a rating to go down when you have a low number of votes. Try and make it so anybody can vote (as I had to sign in to do it). I really enjoyed the story by the way.
2014-09-14 01:59:39 She is the One (Part 16) Just ignore the death threat guy. It's pretty obvious that his mommy doesn't hug him enough because he's just trying to get attention. Either that or he's the real life brad.
2015-06-05 20:05:52 Jack & Diana I feel like this is a rewrite of another story, but then again I could be wrong. Either way its really good.