Comments from sue_42eee

Date Story title Comment
2016-08-06 15:47:25 Fun With Ex's Commander and Wife and... Just read this comment by someone with no guts to post a name. For your info, my ex was drinking when we met and he could still fuck like hell. I was faithful to him until he decided he did not care. Tried numerous times to save the marriage but he insisted I be a slut for he most part. To quote him, "I can't take care of you as much as you need so do what you have to do. Oh yeah, thanks for the promotion." He never did really love me he told me numerous times but I thought I had found someone. So, to put it plainly, you don't know what you are talking about. The curses you put on others will come back to you.
2014-07-18 01:26:43 Hiking Trips 4 Hi, these are some interesting stories but not based in reality. I can tell you, no one walks away from having horse cocks in their pussy like these girls do. One cock is great and unless a woman has a puss the size of the proverbial barn door, she will not gang bang as many as these stories talk about. I have had or been had by four horses in one night and had to be carried to my bed and I had lots of cocks of all kinds before that. Otherwise, not bad.
2014-03-13 14:34:39 So Many Pt. 2 It is interesting that Anonymous doubts my life stories. They are true and I will designate when they are not. I love sex, all kinds with all kinds, LOL. I may be sick and twisted and a cunt whore but you are sitting there jacking off to the stories I write. Who is sick?
2015-03-15 20:42:20 The Food Court Sorry everyone for the errors. I will try to do better. I had way too much wine and when I went back to read it today I was ashamed. Promise, will do better.
2015-03-23 23:31:44 Bigboy and His Bitches Oh Dear, so nice. Reminded me of all the wonderful times I had till I stopped because of surgery. Lots of farm animals. Please continue.