Comments from Penisalotta

Date Story title Comment
2015-05-15 03:01:52 My first Time_(48) All you fags are anonymous if your going send hateful messages at least give him something to aim at the fact that you hide behind your computer makes me laugh
2015-06-01 04:56:08 Peeing In The Woods ..... Part 2 Great story I would consider continuing it, because you have a great plot to work with
2016-12-12 04:41:43 Seeing Matt's Stars: Part 5_(1) Great addition to the story, it was a long wait but it was totally worth it.
2016-12-12 04:50:34 Seeing Matt's Stars: Part 5_(0) Great addition to the story and good job writing it, it was definitely worth the wait
2017-02-16 07:00:48 Help wanted part 9 (last) and The Shower I actually love the transformation, because she wasn't really a goth she was insecure and made everything up to protect herself. Her loving Doug is what made her come out of her shell