Comments from LordNightSlayer

Date Story title Comment
2014-04-27 10:05:40 The Vampire Inside 3 Make your fucking stories longer like hours longer..

fuck the sex
sex ruins a story unless its put into the characters development and story line at just the right time

to many Auther or just writers ruin epic stories like this by putting in to much sex or sex in the wrong place

do far your amazing truly and the power in your words draws me into a trance an frenzy
your blood genius honestly

but really make the storys longer please and incest is best lol but when you do bring sex in make one of them a bloody or blooddrunk fuck like how she told him to bite her honestly I love to bite
so congrates

keep it up....

-Lord BlackCloud
2013-12-24 18:59:42 Three gods of olympus boy of unimaginable power Wtf tht shit sucked hard
fucking a
you didn't explain shit enough
you kept spacing an putting shit below the other words
you need to read other stories before you try to write it again or a new one