Comments from SashaHuntee

Date Story title Comment
2014-03-19 00:18:43 Love Tax Pardon me: YOURS*.
2014-03-19 00:17:59 Love Tax Well, a slightly unorthodox ending, but good.
Oh, and to the shit-stirrer below me: UP YOUR'S!!!!
2014-05-09 00:51:42 The Shopping Strip 2013-08-03 14:13:46
wow, you guys are some sick fucks to enjoy reading things like this, all of you commenting about fucking little girls, you're all fucked up. And I bet a lot of you don't vary too much from those fucked black guys in this story. Everything about this is disgusting.

Look you stupid squit, if you find this stuff disgusting, DON'T READ IT!!!! DUR!!! It's a bit of a no-brainer!
2014-05-07 21:13:09 The Schoolgirl's Enterprise Get your spamming arse OFFOF MY COMMENT PAGES!!!!!!!
2014-05-09 00:33:09 False Gods And Bad Religions Part 1 VERY rushed....
There was no punctuation in the scentences.