Comments from Katiesmith
Date | Story title | Comment |
2014-04-17 08:55:27 | Meat Girl Part 1 | What do you want me to do, give you my home address? I've been posting stories for over ten years now and am well known on the ENF story writing circuit. I've had my own site which is now sadly defunct although all the stories are still there, including dozens and dozens of stories written by other authors based on my characters which obviously inspired them. I've posted a couple of stories on the BDSM library site, the Indian Outlaw site is also no stranger to my stories. I don't have to justify my credentials to you, although it seems I am, and as I said in an earlier post please direct me to some of your stories so I can give them the same fair and valid consideration you have given this story! |
2014-04-16 09:09:15 | Meat Girl Part 1 | Oops, just for the record it was me who made the last comment, I forgot to sign in. You will have to excuse me but it's still early here in creative writing land :) |
2014-04-16 09:03:06 | Meat Girl Part 1 | Oops, just for the record it was me who made the last comment, I forgot to sign in. You will have to excuse me but it's still early here in creative writing land :) |
2014-04-16 09:00:46 | Meat Girl Part 1 | Oops, just for the record it was me who made the last comment, I forgot to sign in. You will have to excuse me but it's still early here in creative writing land :) |
2014-04-16 18:26:53 | Meat Girl Part 1 | Many thanks for the kind words Prurient, much appreciated, I might have to post the other parts of the story now :) |