Comments from jcappes

Date Story title Comment
2014-05-03 08:01:59 My first time with a male dog If you enjoyed my story please rate it. :D feel free to comment. :D thanks all woof
2014-06-23 20:36:16 My first time with a male dog yeah. holding him there. that was all but 10 seconds while I was cuming in him. otherwise he was ok with it all
2014-05-07 15:05:39 My first time with a male dog its a fake story you dumb fucks. its solely for fantasy. a lot of people like it a lot don't. this story never happened its just something that's supposed to be read by people into the fetish. if you think this is abuse there are stories on this site about people cutting dogs heads off and raping their corpses. .. so get over yourselves. fuck you people take shit way to seriously. go get a life