Comments from joanjoan_23456

Date Story title Comment
2009-09-20 21:51:45 My wife paid for my mistakes If it was me being raped by 10 thick inches of cock I would go with it and even get his phone number for future fucks.
2014-12-30 17:51:53 From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Part 19 I tried to post Chapter 18 but couldn't for some reason. It keeps saying bad words. Same kind of words in Chapters 1-17 also Chapter 19 so do not understand why they will not accept Chapter 18.
2013-01-30 14:29:39 RAPE AND JUSTICE I believe there was plenty of evidence to prosacute Joe. She was a good girl. I believe that. She was unlike myself. I have been writing my past adventures joanjoan_23456
2014-05-08 09:24:37 From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Part 2 I feel bad for anonymous reader 2012-01-28 09:29:43 I can not understand women turning you down because you have a special needs daughter. You have stuck with your daughter through thick and thin and most likely the reason your daughter is special needs in the first place is because your X was probably taking drugs when she was pregnant with your daughter in the first place. I hope one day you do find a caring woman unlike myself though. Maybe because I didn't get the love from one parent is the way I turned out the way I did. Foster home to foster home no one loved me. But I guess that is still no reason I have become a slut. Anyway that guy who commented about his daughter deserves the best in life and I hope you find her.
2014-02-17 19:55:52 From Lonely Unfilled Housewife to Perverted Slut Part 15_(1) I am the eldest in mom’s family and I am now 36 and mom was 11 when she gave birth to me. Yes lots of women in other parts of the world get married at 11 or even younger and start having children. Mom was 37 when my youngest brother was born and he is now 10 and already around 5’8” and black. There were lots of families in Quebec especially that had babies every year and there are lots of families in Africa that have 20-30 children year after year that are perfectly health. So I having 24 brothers am not unlikely in the least. I don’t live in a small town. I live in a metropolitan city. I guess one would not believe how stupid my dad was mom giving birth to only one white child and 24 black sons.