Comments from poispois

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-02 14:44:20 Divine Succession - Chapter 10 To the Anonymous reader vehemently slating this story - a counter point:
Just because David is omnipotent doesn't mean he should have immediate freedom of action. DragoTime had the protagonist treat mortals like microbes with the planet burning scene, and it was badly received by fans due to a discontinuity in pacing. Drago took positive steps to rectify this, and AFAIK plans to continue with David's power corruption. Remember that David still has his humanity working alongside the lack of personal consequences that comes with omnipotence!
The better an author is, the greater the passion of negative comments. At least it shows the author has made readers care about the story! Keep writing, DragoTime, you've done well at accepting constructive criticism so far. Ignore the haters.
A suggestion: Make the mind control sex/incest seem more taboo/illicit. Like, they know what they're doing is 'wrong', but do it anyway just because they can. And that sense of power gradually erodes morals
2015-08-06 18:42:48 Divine Succession - Chapter 11 Looking forward to the corruption side of things!
2018-06-08 20:51:32 Magic blue pills part 1 Billy's bitches_(1) I want to know what happens the next day! He should fuck them and then take like 3 pills at once, really stretch his new fuck toys out.