Comments from Azanthrax

Date Story title Comment
2009-05-01 07:50:36 My Guilty Sister Pt.2: The Hell Begins To come clear with all the bad writing, I wrote the first story in Wordpad, so it didn't pointed any grammar errors, and I kinda wrote it in a hurry. The second one, I had plenty of time and I used Microsoft Office Word, that corrected some of my mistakes xD hope you all enjoying the following stories, already being written!
2009-05-06 16:27:10 I loved your poem, it really expresses your feelings.
Keep the excelent work coming.
2012-02-01 17:42:02 Jill n Jenn I Bro, just keep em' coming!
2012-02-05 09:07:05 Jill n Jenn II Man, your stories are just amazing, I never thought that I would like this kind of stories, like girls with cocks, but you really got me hooked, can't wait for next story!