Comments from fantabolism

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-17 10:03:56 The Best Therapy ch. 07 The mother should be the first girl he fucks and I hope he does. The mother is the most deserving of the 3 girls.
2014-07-16 21:58:43 Videogames with Mom Great story just a few grammical and spelling errors. If you plan on writing more stories you should find somebody to proof read your texts. But I really hope there's a second part to this. And look forward to mord from you.
2014-08-27 22:36:43 My teacher kept me for a reason... Good story overall. Just gottah make it a little more lengthy and have some more details. And have somebody proof read it for grammical and spelling errors. But I loved the story and am looking forward to more from you.