Comments from SilverWingedOne

Date Story title Comment
2014-12-04 23:50:48 Asmodeus - Demon of Lust: Part 7 When will the next part of this be posted? I am absolutely in love with Asmodeus, he is my new drawing inspiration. ;) I also need to know what happened with Ida! She just ran off! Made me sad... :( I love watching Selena's character slowly succumb to the wiles of the Demon King, she never stood a chance. Heck, would anyone have? I totally understand being busy, as I am in almost the same boat that you are, but I would still love to read a new chapter hopefully sometime soon! Thank you so much for sharing this story!! I hope that you can make the time to write and finish this! :)
2014-07-13 07:28:44 Owning a Dominant Bitch - Complete Holy shit I'm glad that I found this story again. I didn't mark it the last time and regretted it so much. It's soooooo freaking hot, but the story line is great too! I just love how the dad was all supportive of his son and like literally the best dad. It just made the story perfect. I am so glad that I found this!! It's one of my favorites!!