Comments from mowerbrah

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-01 01:00:45 A New Day, A New You part 14 Another brilliant chapter P.O.I, I have never posted a comment before, but i feel like this is well over due.
First and foremost i would like to say i love your stories. As well I just would like to commend you on your brilliant story telling, and astounding way you articulate your stories.
I just have one question who inspires your writing? I do a small amount of my own writing, albeit its not great but i took inspiration from Wilbur Smith. So im just curious as to who made you pick up the hobby?
Anyways i would again just like to thank you for what you have done i know there is no compensation but just know that there is more people like me who are blown away by what you do.
2016-09-13 00:41:11 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 While i would normally not log i because im usually on my phone reading these i have decided to jump on my computer to put a name to my post.
Im not sure how well versed you are or what is allowed or disallowed on there hosting domain. But there is a website called Weeblydotcom that would more than likely be willing to host your quality work and if someone from around here where willing to assist you in making that happen then thats possible im not entirely sure how it works but i have seen a few users from here and various other sites leave for tthis place and i was looking to gauge other peoples reaction to this tenious solution.
2016-09-12 20:38:54 A New Day, The Other Me chapter 8 While i would normally not log i because im usually on my phone reading these i have decided to jump on my computer to put a name to my post.
Im not sure how well versed you are or what is allowed or disallowed on there hosting domain. But there is a website called Weeblydotcom that would more than likely be willing to host your quality work and if someone from around here where willing to assist you in making that happen then thats possible im not entirely sure how it works but i have seen a few users from here and various other sites leave for tthis place and i was looking to gauge other peoples reaction to this tenious solution.