Comments from Thallendros69

Date Story title Comment
2014-11-15 05:51:55 Me, my sister and her sexy friends part 1 thank you both for the feed back and positive comments i will take your words and try to make it better for my readers as i have a lot more of this story to come
2014-11-13 20:26:13 Me, my sister and her sexy friends part 1 Thank you for the feed back.
2014-12-04 02:01:02 Cherry (chapter 2) dude totally awesome first 2 parts of the story cant wait for more to come peace man
2015-01-08 07:10:26 A New Day, A New You part 5 man you rocked this story cant wait for more
2015-11-23 05:35:45 My sister and her sexy friends part 2 im sorry it has taken me so long i have had writers block and have finally started on part 3 will be up in the next few days im hoping