Comments from Armadildopickle

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-18 03:32:02 Who to pick? 1 Anonymous reader who stated: "Another "newbie" writes the infamous "White Wall of Text".
Vertical spacing is so very important and yet so many "wannabe" writers fail to understand how to use it.
Learn the difference between "your" (when denotes possession) and "you're" (which is a contraction of you are). You misused it.
Also, you wrote "...dieing(sic) of laughter." which should have been "dying". And there is no such word as "alot" which should be written as "a lot". You also misspelled "receive" as"recieve" in your last sentence.
Next time, take your time writing, always use a good spell-checker program and PROOF-READ your work thoroughly before posting.
If you can remember to do all of these things, you just may become a writer.", bigdaddy74, and any1 else, thank you very much for the help and constructive criticism. I appreciate the praise given to me for this, and I will try better to write the next story.
2014-08-14 11:14:29 Who to pick? 1 تشکر
2014-08-18 03:33:49 Who to pick? 1 Also, I sort-of forgot where I was going with this story, and my hands hurt from typing to friends, video gaming, and other reasons, that the next part will be fairly delayed.
2015-03-29 21:34:57 Who to pick? 1 Thank you, JThomas69.
2015-04-01 05:59:45 Who To Pick Chap.1 (Overhauled Version) lol they were spaced, but once i put it on the site, they clumped together. But thank you for the help