Comments from Exterminate11

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-16 01:52:08 Just another weird day(edited) Well, I still don't know what the hell you mean by "boydom" so yeah.
2014-08-14 01:40:23 Just another weird day(edited) My paragraphs are usually spaced. But this sites a little weird when posting.. I do read a lot. Especially erotica. Lol. I dialogue pretty well in my opinion. I always have a new paragraph when someone else is speaking. And what do you mean drop the boydom? And I do admit I use "then" a lot. It's just hard not using those words... And I hate writing first person. With my regular stories I write third all the time.. Just don't feel comfortable with first person.
2014-08-14 01:34:38 Just another weird day(edited) But.. But I am female...
2014-08-13 00:07:53 Just another weird day I honestly don't know. Just a slip of of the fingers I guess. And I type rather quickly. And I don't use Word so it doesn't correct any misspellings.