Comments from WorkingHands

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-21 05:17:11 She is the One (Part 16) To anyone that is "a little on edge from waiting," take note - jashley13 has precisely zero obligation to anyone. He could simply leave the story as is, leaving you to wallow in your self-righteous asspain until you find another target about which to bitch. It's his story, his writing process, and, most importantly, his free time spent creating something for which he could easily charge. You're getting free entertainment. Stop being dicks.
2014-09-06 01:53:06 In Riley's Arms: Part 3 I've read no further in the story than this part, but I really hope that Holly stops making such idiotic decisions. Perhaps it's just me, but my ability to have sympathy for a character dissipates the instant they do something that makes their character weak or pathetic. Having the female protagonist make serious errors in judgment is a plot device that's been used in literature dating into antiquity, but that doesn't make it any less infuriating.
2014-09-15 07:35:16 She is the One (Part 16) Just wanted to say that Skibum92's comment made me laugh out loud. The death threat guy is both a real life Brad and desperate for hugs. It would be almost be sad if the guy wasn't a dick.
2014-09-08 23:09:09 Being More Social - Chapter 7 Three things immediately come to mind:

1. Fuck Megan. Seriously. That's the only rational response to her bullshit. Deceitful and manipulative to the core.

2. Nicole is a hot mess and she's dragging Adam down with her. She's told him that she loves him twice yet she's okay with him fooling around with other chicks. She knows that her blatant cover-up of "as a friend" isn't believable at all, which is totally jerking him around. She seeks approval through indiscriminate sexual encounters. Now Phil? Someone like her is a psychiatrist's dream - a retirement plan. Easy money.

3. May is obviously not worth the chase. Then again, so few high school girls were, at least to my recollection.
2014-09-04 22:31:11 Childhood Friends_(0) "'And you... wow,' I answered like a retard"

That's a classic line, man. Every guy I know has done pretty much the same thing, and felt, as you so adequately stated, like a retard afterward. It might not be politically correct, but there's no more accurate summation of that kind of moment.