Comments from dudemister10

Date Story title Comment
2014-08-23 09:54:12 Blowing Rusty Amazing story! So amazing, I added it to my favorites (;
2014-08-23 04:49:26 John's Awakening This was an amazing story, the only thing I didn't like was that Eric went upstairs and pretty much turned into a girl. I hate when gay guys act like girls, it's just so stupid to me. Can't he just be a guy who likes guys.
2014-08-22 09:53:37 Being inside of Jake Amazing story! I wish this for me, like no joke (x
You should definitely write more cause I honestly want to know what happened when you bought him dinner... like all the details and stuff.
2014-08-22 10:30:17 SUMMER I TURNED 13: Late Summer I so wish I had a friend like that!
2014-08-22 10:44:55 One Time Great story, but what happened next?? (: