Comments from ShannonWicks95

Date Story title Comment
2014-09-01 02:48:30 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story Part 4 Wow! All I can say is WOW! So glad I found this today. Well worth the time it took to get here. What an amazing, fun, at times humorous and always sexy journey. I know it's been a year or so now but I sincerely hope you decide to come back and write more of this story. It's so brilliant and flows beautifully. I will forever be a fan and plan on checking out your other story on here. PS I don't know how often you check these comments but I sent you a PM here. Hope to hear back from you!
2014-09-01 02:42:55 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story Part 3 The comment below was me BTW. Must have logged out accidentally.
2014-09-01 02:01:35 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story Part 2_(1) Love the suspense of the chase through the woods and the moment when they both realize their feelings. Absolutely brilliant stuff here! Now on to the next part ;)
2014-09-01 01:02:58 Twincest Sabrina and Katrina's Story_(1) I have no idea how I missed this story but I'm so happy I found it now! This is quite possibly the best story I've read on any site like this. I love that there is just enough plot, conflict, character development, and building sexual tension. Can't wait to see what the other parts to this bring.
2014-09-02 03:10:56 Sara's Awakening Part 1 (rewritten) Hey again! Just started reading this today after finishing your other story yesterday. It's of to a pretty interesting start. Not sure if you can top Twincest but I'd say it's excellent so far. Especially considering this was your first story. I'll try to get to the next parts at some point today and let ya know what I think!