Comments from percyofold

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-07 05:17:43 Teaching Takumi Very tastefully handled. would like to see more of this tale.
2015-02-07 05:24:01 My days in Thailand part 5: A Thia's storyy You've left me hanging! This is incomplete.
Does he have a threesome with Thia & Sora?
Does he turn them into his submissives?
What happens after a year?
By the grammar is the author Thai?
2015-02-07 05:25:56 Dad, I Have a Question -- Part 5 Most enjoyable. Good work.
2015-02-07 05:29:52 Grace in Disgrace 4 After 4 Chapters am have hanging on your next instalment. Looking forward to G.I.D.5. Good work.
2015-02-07 05:33:46 Denny’s Breakfast Treat – 9 A very good story. Will there be a No:10?