Comments from Ambrosiaster

Date Story title Comment
2015-02-16 07:46:57 Sister Catches Brother Ann Sky I thought this was a weird way to write an erotic story... but it works, it works a lot, I like it.
2015-06-05 17:59:51 When the Need Strikes - Chapter 6 (Final) I just read the whole series. It's one of my very favourite, thank you! I just regret a little that you didn't describe the first anal intercourse (and the anal intercourses at all). But I enjoyed it a lot!
2015-11-02 19:19:35 Breaking Out, Breaking In Great story! Like others, I wait for a part 2 ^^.
2016-02-29 16:44:46 Forbidden Sibling Treasure -- Chapter I: The Sisters' Gems Great story! I hope that the hesitations of Pearl when she talked about her brother announce something :-) .
2016-04-16 12:03:08 Forbidden Sibling Treasure -- Chapter I: The Sisters' Gems I did not know the "Chekhov's gun" rule, but it's definitively a good one ^^.

I hope that you have not too much difficulties to write the sequel; as an erotic writer myself (even if not in English), I know how it can be sometimes.