2015-02-05 20:21:59 |
Sudden Lovers
Alright, this went better than expected. So I'm gonna start work on the sequel tomorrow, for those that want more, and to my Hawaiian friend that pointed that out, I apologize. I actually borrowed the name from a friend who is actually Puerto Rican/Dominican, but I'll keep that in mind when I start writing. Thatnks for reading everybody, and I'll get back to you with the sequel. |
2015-02-25 19:46:17 |
I Lust My Sister Meridian
I love this story. Its got every aspect that makes you want more with each word and keeps you on the edge of your seat. Very nice job |
2015-03-20 19:51:51 |
Sudden Lovers
Alright, so for anyone who is wondering where I've been, let me explain. I am still planning on posting part two ASAP. However, sports have started back up and I've gotta get ready for exams in school, so I don't really have much time to work on it. Don't worry, I shouldn't pull a SomeStory and just drop off the face of the planet, leaving you guys without an ending, but at the same time I never planned for this to have a second part. But since so many people liked it, I feel like I must get another part. I'm slowly but surely working on it. This was just a quick update for everyone, and I look forward to part 2. See ya |