Comments from -eXile-

Date Story title Comment
2015-08-30 22:16:01 The Sexcapades of Aurora & Dylan - Chapter 3: The Cum Slut_(1) Thanks for all the comments. They help t keep me inspired to write more. I have started Chapter 4 and hope to have it done by the end of the week.
2015-08-29 15:39:19 The Sexcapades of Aurora & Dylan - Chapter 3: The Cum Slut_(0) Wow, I didn't know there were so many horny English teachers out there critiquing naughty sex stories
2015-09-01 19:13:45 The Sexcapades of Aurora & Dylan - Chapter 1: The Twins_(1) These are my stories. If you have seen them posted anywhere else other that here, then they are copies. I did repost after doing some editing but under the same name. Send me a message through my profile of you have more details.
2015-09-02 14:12:43 The Sexcapades of Aurora & Dylan - Chapter 2: Mother_(1) These are my stories. If you have seen them posted anywhere else other that here, then they are copies. I did repost after doing some editing but under the same name. Send me a message through my profile of you have more details.
2015-02-14 03:30:48 The Sexcapades of Aurora & Dylan - Chapter 1_(1) Glad you liked it, and the fact it made you pussy wet. I think I fixed all the names.