Comments from viceofchoice

Date Story title Comment
2016-02-05 17:48:43 Dad, do you want to see me for real? Not a bad story at all, generally speaking. Usually I like them longer with greater details on the characters and more of a storyline leading up to things, but it was good for a shorter story.
2016-02-25 17:03:03 Expect the Unexpected: Pitching a Tent Thanks for all the great reviews, guys! I'll look into continuing it later on. I have some other storylines I'm working on. Yeah, I know first cousins can marry (in most states anyway), but there's still this stigma about it, so that's why I wrote this story. That and, of course, I do have a very attractive cousin who was the inspiration for the story. ;)
2016-02-26 15:22:55 Forbidden Sibling Treasure -- Chapter I: The Sisters' Gems Glad this story is getting some attention again. :) I didn't even realize the irony of that, my friend, but you're very right. I'm glad the length isn't a turnoff for most people. I'm always afraid that's going to deter people from reading. Some are put off, sure although most seem to be fine with it. I just like writing in detail. Thanks for the positive reviews on this one, too!
2016-02-29 17:52:37 Expect the Unexpected: Pitching a Tent (5/5) Besides, this story isn’t supposed to be “jerk off material” as any moron can plainly see; it’s meant to be a developed story with a sexual overtone. However, if you can’t find something to “jerk off” to in this story (the way 126208 other readers can), then I truly pity you and your demented, corrupted outlook on sex and love. There’s plenty of help out there for you, my friend. Try a therapist.

All the best to you, my friend,

P.S. And, yes, vasectomies at twenty-five do happen. I know of guys who have had them. They’re not common, but they do happen. If someone is over eighteen they can make that choice, correct? If they ask the right doctor for one, they can get it.

P.P.S. Rant over, everyone. Thanks for indulging me.
2016-02-29 17:53:08 Expect the Unexpected: Pitching a Tent (4/5) Funny, too, how you accuse me of needing to consult a thesaurus before you turn around and, with the same breath, attempt to criticize my use of a thesaurus. You esteem a rich vocabulary and also loathe a rich vocabulary? The feebleness of your logic is staggering.

How can any half-intelligent human being actually think their argument can stand when it is in direct conflict with itself? Only a witless, malignant internet parasite would think such “reasoning” can possibly stand. What’s more, you spout off all these criticisms, and then don’t cite a single viable example for your point of view? Are you serious? No, really...are you SERIOUS? I mean...did you actually pass elementary school?